I am not happy right now due to a twitter user who follow me and start spamming their twitter account. This guy wants attention, because he wants to document on something he dreams about. Not to mention, he's using a crowdfunding website. This is kindly rude. I can't follow someone who does that as well as the story on the crowdfunding website. The dude documents of a guy that I never heard of and claims that he been wrestling for 15 years. The dude also mention that he went to a wrestling school in 2005 and haven't specifically mention which wrestling school he went to. I want to question this dude from top to bottom, is which school he went to, who is the head trainer, who is this 15 year dude who he interview and why I haven't heard the guy ever, and not to mention, who trained the guy that this dude interview and why did the guy told him about wrestling schools? See, this dude made a huge mistake of following me, because I know that he is nothing more then going to cause trouble. If he wants to understand the wrestling schools, he should seek out Dory Funk Jr, Mike Quackenbush, Harley Race, and Larry Sharpe to name a few who have 20 years or more in the world of pro wrestling and their wrestling schools. But, if he wants to go further and understanding about pro wrestling, he could seek Chris Hero, a man who made his name all over the world and has run with guys like Claudio Castagnoli, CM Punk, and Colt Cabana to name a few. Not to mention that besides having a 15 year career in the indies, but he is the head of Next Level Pro Wrestling Consulting. I am really happy that someone is doing that for wrestlers who are upcoming from wrestling schools. Believe me, as a fan of Chris Hero for two years, I have a strong feeling that wrestlers will understand that the Knockout Artist has a lot of knowledge to share to the upcoming wrestlers. After all, he trained Claudio Castagnoli, UltraMantis Black, Drake Younger, and Tim Donst. If someone can't handle the wrestling skills, why make a documentary? Just for 15 minutes of fame, I say.
I will not support something like that crowdfunding project. I rather spend it on t-shirts over at ProWrestlingTees.com.
Here are my screen caps of the twitter account and crowdfunding website of the dude's story:
I am going to contact the crowdfunding website to ask them to monitor it.
I don't like it when I am going to be spammed. Spammers really suck.
Also, the guy that this dude interview is a register sex offender. Here is proof:
Chasyn Rance arrested: Orlando wrestler who appeared on 'Tool Academy' accused of sex with girl - Orlando Sentinel
CHASYN RANCE - Florida Sexual Offender
Florida wrestler seeks protection from fellow wrestler - Charlotte Pro Wrestling | Examiner.com
If you can help me by reporting and blocking @SquaredGlory on twitter and send a message to this crowdfunding website to have it monitor or shut it down by sending those three links I posted above:
Thank you!
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