Monday, October 29, 2018

Amazon Associates is going to drive me nuts because I want to make money

I am really losing my mind. This is really the third, fourth, or fifth time doing this. All I want to do is to make money and keep my parents away from harassing me. All I need to do is make money so I can at least buy more stuff, including getting a gaming computer and other things, but, as long as I can't do what I can do, this is going to be ugly.

I sign up for Amazon Associates. Buy the stuff I like. Make a YouTube video about it and hope this goes through. I keep trying and it keeps backfiring. I don't know why. I am trying.

How hard is this going to be by making money? I want to make thousands of dollars, but, that depends on you, the person who is reading this. You will think I am crazy. I don't know what you like. So, yeah, I will keep going at this.

I also am trying to cater this to not only US, but, Canada, UK, Japan, Spain, Italy, Germany, and France.

I don't know if this would work, but, yeah, I need the help.